iXYt.info will tell you where to have fun and where to go in the morning, afternoon, or evening. It will help you find where to go and immediately buy tickets on-line for plays, performances, concerts, movies, premieres, events at discos, or shows in clubs.
In the "WHAT" box at the top of the page, you can enter the event you are interested in, be it a circus performance, opera, football or championship.
If, for example, there is no auction, benefit show, business presentation, concert, festive evening, meeting, tour, symphony, fireworks or festival, city holiday, carnival, tree, quest, parade, fair, try to enter "WHAT" into the window synonym or paraphrase a request for promotional sales, ballet performances, city carnival, children's parties, concert evenings or chamber music concerts, for example.
Remember, if in the current time period (in the "WHEN" window) jazz, rock, seminar or conference were not on the map, enter a request for other dates.
How to entertain or occupy yourself, even in your hometown, even on another continent? Everyone is familiar with the situation when, when choosing a pastime, one has to turn to different poster sites, study endless lists of events, and at the same time keep in mind the distance to the desired location of the event. We also need geographic service sites. And if you are in a foreign city with unfamiliar topography, then the task becomes extremely difficult. And if, moreover, you are in a foreign country with an unfamiliar language, then the task becomes almost insoluble.
On vacation, on a business trip, in another city, in a foreign country with an unfamiliar language, the standard "Google" map iXYt.info is supplemented with a time axis: all cultural, scientific, sporting events are placed directly on this map in the form of markers with the ability to scale and move themselves in space and in time. All this is “encrypted” in the name of the iXYt project: i - information; XY - coordinates on the map; t - date and time. Phonetics in all languages is the same - "IKZIT". In this case, it is possible to enter the desired parameters in the search fields to find out WHAT, WHERE and WHEN is happening anywhere in the world.
Colored circles with numbers are clusters, groups of nearby events with their high density. The colors of the clusters reflect the number of events they contain. When the scale changes, large clusters disintegrate into small ones, and so on up to single markers of specific events. When you hover the cursor over a marker, a plate appears with brief information about the corresponding event or event. When you click on such a marker, a full detailed description of the event appears with the ability to buy a ticket. The main source of information for placing markers on the iXYt.info website is the current and constantly updated affiche sites (aggregators) databases, which, as a rule, willingly share this information with iXYt to increase their own sales. Currently, the corresponding partnership agreements have been concluded with major aggregators in Europe and America.
Italy for the January 2025 has given to our database (DB) 0 actual events, for the February - 52. It is updated constantly and daily, for today the Italy expects at least 193 concerts, performances, tours, up to DATE 11/02/2025 .
But even with the current number of events, it is easy to see that the iXYt map remains quite sparse. There are potential capabilities of our platform dozens of times higher, more than one million events can be accommodated, and we are working on it. Therefore, we are happy to cooperate with our local agents.
The main source of iXYt monetization is commissioning from ticket sales (approximately 1-2% of the ticket price), they are not higher than the usual dealer premiums for ticket distributors, so you are unlikely to find the same tickets cheaper. Additional sources of our monetization: small aggregators paid announcements placement and platform advertising capabilities sale.
You can use iXYt.info in three languages: German, English and Russian (appropriate flag on the right or en, de or ru after ixyt.info/ in the address). Minute comic animation - project description - exists in 12 languages. The first window "WHAT" is a tool for event searching by any keyword present in the platform database in all languages.
The second window "WHERE" is the location, here you can enter the name of the city or country you are interested in. If you enter the name of the city, leaving the first window blank, you can get to the city page with a table of available events - for those who prefer text presentation of information to "travel" on a map with clusters.
According to the number of events and, accordingly, the frequency of updating the tables, we divided cities into “quiet” with monthly updates, “average” - with a weekly and “noisy” - with a daily. This division can come in handy when planning trips, excursions, tours, and more, isn't it?
Below you will find tables with clickable names of these cities in alphabetical order and average daily number of events in them, available on our website on 02/14/2025
Viel Glück und angenehme Aussicht!
City | Events count |
Sesto-San-Giovanni | 6 |
Cinisello-Balsamo | 6 |
Cusano-Milanino | 6 |
Bresso | 6 |
Trezzano-sul-Naviglio | 4 |
Corsico | 4 |
Arese | 4 |
Milan | 4 |
Grugliasco | 4 |
Alpignano | 4 |
Turin | 4 |
Novate-Milanese | 4 |
Cornaredo | 4 |
Cormano | 4 |
Bollate | 4 |
Cesano-Boscone | 4 |
Collegno | 4 |
Rho | 4 |
Venaria-Reale | 4 |
Romano-Banco | 4 |
San-Mauro-Torinese | 4 |
Parma | 3 |
Rivoli | 3 |
Scandicci | 2 |
Monza | 2 |
Lissone | 2 |
Genoa | 2 |
Casoria | 2 |
Castel-Maggiore | 2 |
Lecce | 2 |